Lorna Doone is a TV series based on the novel by R.D. Blackmoore. It was directed by Mike Barker and produced by BBC in the year 2000. It has a great cast starring Barbara Flynn (one of my particular faves), Michael Kitchen, Richard Coyle and a very pretty Amelia Warner. It runs for approx 149 minutes.
The real rating is PG, but I like to do my own rating! So here goes:
The film has some quite violent parts in it, with battle scenes against the Doones and some unnecessary roughness towards some of the young ladies. One of the things I do like about Lorna Doone however is that the ending is changed. In the original movie and book, it all ends rather tragically, but in this new version it ends well. It makes the film a lot less dark and heartbreaking! There are some parts where some of the Doone men are a little (like I said before)…let us say crass and coarse with the girls in the film, but not too often. I’m glad to say that there is no immodest clothing in this movie, all the dresses are quite decent and it’s a relief to find it so! There is also no sexual content; only kissing, but I don’t suppose anybody minds that too much! The acting is great, the filming is amazing and the scenery is, although incredibly rainy, muddy, and wet (like the rest of England!), is very pretty. It‘s definitely for those people who love action, romance and exciting drama all mixed into one.
In yet another film adaptation of R.D. Blackmore's swashbuckling romance, this excellent and lavish BBC production of 'Lorna Doone' brings the classic tale of revenge and family warfare to life with a sterling cast. Filmed in Wales, the epic family saga begins in 1675, during a turbulent time in history when rebellion against the Catholic King James II, of England and Scotland, runs rampant. The fierce Doone clan h galloped into a farming village, and did a terrible wrong to the young John Ridd and his family. Yet determined to avenge this wrong, the teenager goes into the Doone Valley where he meets the independent but vulnerable Lorna Doone as a young girl. Meeting again years later, the two fall into an inseparable love for one another. Ridd is steadfast in nobility of spirit, but Lorna has been unwillingly engaged to her cousin, Ensor's evil, and cruel heir, Carver. Carver would like nothing better than to have Lorna as his bride, but Lorna remains steadfast in her love for this young farmer John. As their love grows, Ridd finds a new reason to pursue his campaign against these villains that have long dominated his small world, and protecting Lorna becomes equal to revenge for his own family. Lorna, however, may not be quite what she seems…and the true position of his own heart may shock him as he places revenge and abhorrence aside to give way to mercy.
My Christian Review
Well, now that we have been through everything else, let’s get down to the real stuff! My Christian view of this film…is this:
There are quite a few Christian characteristics in this film which I love like Lorna’s readiness to forgive, and her love rather than hate for her enemies. John displays quite a bit of revenge and dislike for the Doones, but he demonstrates mercy at the end (but I can’t give too much away!). And his love and protectiveness for Lorna shows how his heart truly lies, but the Doones—unfortunately—bring out the worse in him.
I guess John Ridd’s hate for the Doones shows us how it can really affect us if we harbor bitterness in our minds and hearts against our enemies. And how important it is to ‘do unto to others as you would have them do to you’, and although John doesn’t recognize this at first, Lorna reminds him of it when he does something that is against her character and really his, though he forgets himself for a moment or two. Carver Doone is a great example of how not to be! John’s sister Annie is a picture of lovingness and kindness towards her brother and a loyalty to her family. John’s other sister Lizzie however has the same dislike for the Doones as her brother, but she shows forgiveness towards Lorna in the middle of the story and it shows that even the worst of wrongs can be forgiven.
Though they are seen in church once in the film, there is no indication that they are openly Christians. Of course back then, if you went to church on a Sunday then you were a Christian, no matter what you did during the course of the week! Some may say this is a dark film and to be fair, some of it is, but I enjoy the happy ending and the reality of the struggles that it took to get to that ‘happy ending’. Hope you’ve enjoyed my review!
Please note that this is only my view on this film, by all means watch this film and see what you think of it. God bless you all.
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