22 November 2010

If I Were A...

If I were a...

If I were a gemstone, I'd be an emerald.

If I were a scent, I’d be freshly ground coffee.

If I were a pair of shoes, I'd be Ugg Boots.

If I were the weather, I would be a hot, summers day.

If I were a facial expression, I'd be laughing, with humorous eyes.

If I were a car, I'd be a Mini Cooper.

If I were a time of day, I'd be noon/warmest part of the day.

If were a month, I’d be April.

If I were a place, I'd be New Zealand .

If I were a liquid, I'd be tea.

If I were a taste, I'd be apple and cinnamon.

If I were a sea animal, I'd be a sea otter.

If I were a food, I’d be fresh bread.

If I were a colour, I'd be mocha brown.

If I were a musical instrument, I'd be a piano.

If I were a flower, I'd be a Daffodil.

If I were a song, I'd be L-O-V-E.

If I were a planet, I'd be Earth .

If I were an object, I'd be a log-fire.

If I were a fruit, I'd be a strawberry.

If I were a sound, I’d be church bells.

If I were a day of the week, I’d be Friday.

What would you be?
This tag is for anyone to do, help yourselves! 

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