9 April 2014

because i'm terrible & absent-minded

after being soundly chastised for being a terrible blogger by jenn (not really k I love you jenn), I got around to writing a post and sharing some images that have been my world lately. life has been full and busy and things happen and God shows you stuff, you know? this year is going to be a good one and I'm so happy to see stuff unfold and have plans made. one thing that has struck me lately is how good a community blogging can be, but how it also takes effort and how we can actually use this amazing opportunity to make fantastic friendships and encourage each other! sounds mushy, I know. I was talking to johanna & megan about this the other week, and honestly, please feel free to talk to each other or me in the comment section below (I'm trying to get better at commenting back, truly!) or email/tweet me if you have any random questions or just wanna chat or have thoughts you want to share. I really don't want to take for granted the awesome people who read this weird blog or people who have their own amazingly weird blogs (admit it. you're weird.). so, yeah. in short: life is good and God is more than good and I hope that we make the most of the terrific community we have. ok! I'm done now. 

peace out kids.
xox jess


  1. You do not even know how happy those tweets made me feel. I guess I came late to the last blogging community. I wanted to be in it so badly, but it always felt like I was being pushed out. I don't know if I just sounded like a stupid child or something, but to be completely honest, it really hurt. All of you girls are so amazingly cool and awesome. And if this community gets started again, I really wanna be in on it.

    xo, rn
    ps- these photos are absolutely ravishing. Look at all those babies! (insert heart eye emoji here...)

    1. don't worry, I think it's something that every blogger goes through (feeling like you're not "part of the group") so you're certainly not alone! I feel like too many 'cliques' happen online, but it's like that in life, no matter where you go. I know that loads of bloggers want the whole community thing, but they're kinda wary of straying out of the groups. hopefully, we all get a lil bit bolder and start creating something more...inclusive! here's to that!
      ps- heh heh aren't they just the cutest?

    2. It must be. And oh, yes. Definitely yes to the cliques. I'm with you!

      ps- yes yes! I love babies! ;)

  2. I love the pics Jess, as always. Addie is such a gorgeous wee pumpkin! And that twitter convo is quite interesting. I've always thought it's very cool the wee community you bloggers have got going :)

    P.S. I've just noticed your side bar stays put while the main section scrolls. How even??

    1. isn't she booootiful! yes *cough*if you'd just carry on blogging*cough*. hahaha!
      yeah, it only seems to be the right sidebar that likes to be static (it's actually really easy to do, but sometimes compatibility isssuuuees ugh). why, do you like?

    2. Hahaha you being the thorn in my side now? I'm not sure I have anything to say that's worth listening to. I do like, yes.

  3. errybody you're welcome for making jess blog. kthxbai.
    just kidding. I feeeeeel ya on this though. I LOVE the connections I've made through blogging, but it does take work, especially now when it feels like blogging is a dying art.
    hey first ever real life blogger friend. yeah you. I like you.

  4. The fifth photo down is possibly the most perfect photo ever taken, amen. But anyways, I know I'm definitely guilty of not maintaining the connections I've made through my blog, despite my best intentions. Part of it is being busy and part of it is being lazy and the other part is probably being intimidated, but it's something I'm hoping to work on.

    1. hahaha, thank yoooouuu! yes, so am I! I've been pretty terrible at keeping up with connections and comments and emails, but I'm determined to get better at it! bloggers can be and are such an amazing bunch :) also, I know I've said this already, but AHHH you're hair is just so gorgeous!

  5. Blog friends are the best sort of friends I have discovered. There is no judgment or fakeness. It is the best.

    Your blog is wonderful. Never stop

    1. I know, blogger friends are fantastic!! thank yoouuuu! I hope I'll be blogging for a good while; I do love it!

  6. Yaaaaaay I'm very happy Jess is back. ;) my word though, your niece is growing up so much! she has such a sweet face. ;)
    Also, those twitter comments are the bomb dot com! blogging is such a neat way to make friends and meet other like-minded peeps!
    keep it up, Jess, kthanksbye.

    p.s. new logo on the side and the picture are snazzy! You are pretty darn gorgeous. =)

    1. isn't she just luuurvely?! thaaaanks so much! hahaha, no, I think I look more like a dying duck on that picture...but hey ho XD

  7. hey I really like these pictures and I love you even more and ohmygersh I just wanna squeeze on Adelaide.
    i know exactly what ya mean... sometimes I still sit back in amazement, thinking of how incredible God is. I mean, He took one lil' sheep from England and another lil' sheep from waaaaay over in Small Town, Oklahoma, and said, "Now be friends." I mean, just how?? well, He had some sort of crazy idea and I'm really glad He did. :) SAP ALERT SAP ALERT.
    but seriously, the connections I have made through blogging have just blown my mind. and to see how Jesus is behind it all?? making sure we connect with the people who help me to learn and grow closer to Him. goodness gracious, I love life and I love people and I love Jesus and I love you, Jessy.


  8. I loved this. <3 Those babies are so adorable. Beautiful pictures. I agree. It has been great getting to know you over the past years. It's pretty awesome how God can use people all the way across the world to encourage His chidrend and talk about Him with them. He is truly incredible, isn't He?

    1. been so wonderful getting to know you too; I've loved it! yeeesss, amen! He is so so so good!

  9. ahh that twitter conversation was the best. I randomly go through bursts where i talk to bloggers a lot one day and then disappear for a month. ugh. slowly, slowly building a community but it's hard because it's not really going to happen naturally this time we're gonna have to actually work at it.
    Anyway, i like this. the conversations in the comments. it's good.
    xx. Megan
