19 December 2015

fresh and new

yours truly (the blog) has been needing a rebrand for a while now, but it was just finding the time to do it. while petie was here, we made some time, sat down and talked colours, textures, fonts and drew up some new designs while scrolling through pinterest for inspiration. after redesigning her blog (go and check it out in all it's bright, happy, symmetrical glory!), time got away from me and suddenly I had a bunch of other stuff to do, so my rebrand had to wait! but I finally got round to redesigning mine and I couldn't be happier. gold + greyscale + white + minimal + a brand spankin new name. also, have you noticed that the name yours truly has gone? well, it has! into oblivion's embrace! say your fond farewells, my people! I said mine yesterday at three thirty in the afternoon, while drinking a goodbye-flat-white and munching on a solitary shortbread biscuit. hmmm. anyway. I decided to go all matchy-matchy with my website coz nothing makes my heart sing like things brands matching connecting. so, in regards to changes + the like, nothing will be changing too much content-wise, except that I'll be posting more. I know right. shock of the year! but check out new about me, new reader and info pages coz they be neeeew and diiiifferent and exciiiiting. let's end it with an overly dramatic picture of me that the too-cool payton took. dayum, look at dat wall. comment below with your thoughts on the new design + let me know if any of you have done a rebrand or redesign (comment with a link! show me! be brave! be bold!) lately.


  1. I lovelovelove the new design, and that dramatic picture of you (WHICH IS STUNNING BY THE WAY!!!) and I would love it if you could give my blog a new design!! :) I also want to change the name and URL of my blog too!! Help!!! :) :)


  2. Such a beautiful new design Jess! simple and yet classy and stylish!
    I wish I had your knack for this brilliance :D
    NZ and the coffee.. can I get an agreement? Man oh man that stuffs good.
    ~Evie :)

    1. and being in NZ for 2 and a bit weeks may or may not have turned me into more of a coffee freak now.. *Sheepish grin*

  3. Jess, the new design looks great! I love the gold and the new name. The second photo of you is amazing. Your hair is just perfect. ;)

  4. Love it, Jess!! Absolutely stunning.

  5. oh my, i love, love, love (!!!) this! your new design / brand is elegant and sophisticated, but delightfully quirky and happy. ;) i can't wait to see more of your future posts here! (also, hey, you're the cutest, k'bye.)

    xox, M

  6. I like your new design!! It's very tidy and fresh. :)
    Oh, farewell Yours Truly! Hello Jess Mcghie! :D And I'm glad you're gonna be posting more!! Yaysies. :D
    ~Miss Meg March
