30 September 2016


life has been a blur of wonderful photoshoots, travelling up and down, tackling social media at every turn, steadily adding more layers to my person (autumn has truly arrived, folks), drinking more tea than is good for me (lesbereal, there's no such thing), planning creative shoots, trying to support friends goin through really hard things, filming mind the gap videos (have you checked out the channel recently? we're up to episode fifty five already! go have a nosey!) and spending hours on end editing photos while listening to all (did I say all?) the movie soundtracks. 

all the while, trying to put together posts that make some sorta sense out of the thousands of pictures I have lined up (laughing but also crying emoji). still, I'm trying to remember that it doesn't all have to be perfectly put together and my words don't have to be in anyway amazing, because I'm just a creative weirdo who loves takin pictures and telling people stories. so I guess I'll stick to that. anyway, for today's post, I just wanted to update you all on what's been going on in my life and share with you some things that I've been loving, in the hopes that you'll do the same (don't be shy - comment below!). so, in no particular order, here they are!

cream + coconut tea // agents of shield // ireland // movie soundtracks // this stranger and her bearded admirer // bread + wine by shauna neiquist // God's timing // family conversation // fried chicken // finished projects // coffee face masks // ginger beer // this talent // wales // coffee (ha) // instagram (no joke, jess) // this weirdo // the paradise // cliffs of moher // sea salt scrubs // pear cider // the power of prayer // this human // 

love to you all!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi!! I have been following you and Payton for a while now and I just wanted to let you know that your pictures are DEE-VINE!! I'm also looking for photographers to collaborate with (hinthint-winkwink). You can view some of my pictures at sparrowandpine.weebly.com.
    Ta-ta and keep up the beautiful work :)

  3. JESSSS!!! I love it when you blog!! Loved all your snapshots! :) What I've been loving, in no particular order: the book of Romans, frozen mango chunks and strawberries, this season of Once Upon A Time, season 3 of When Calls the Heart, the gloomy overcast rainy autumn weather we've been having lately, thick socks, smoothies, ice cream (always always ice cream), senior portrait photography, and BYU Vocal Point. :)


  4. Thank you for the update! So far, I've been enjoying the fall weather and the excuse to wear fuzzy sweaters and socks, and TEA. Never too much tea.

  5. ahhh I love all the photos. and ireland. I wanna go.

  6. I loved this post, Jess! (Sorry I took so long to comment... my computer died and I lost everything. *sniffles* But no matter, now it's up and running again, and I've got a blank canvas to paint away on!)

    Some of the things that have been making me happy lately:
    Kind and polite strangers - especially men // "Brooklyn" (the movie)// "White Collar" (OH MY GOSH I LOVE IT SSOOO MUCH. Kinda really like Neil, too... and Elizabeth. <3 And Peter. <3 And MOZZIE! <3 <3 <3) // fruit of the forest jam // leaning to trust in Jesus amid all the nasty chaos// big, seemingly impossible dreams // when I take the next toward my dreams // opportunities // nice doctors// blue eyes // rain // the song "My Lighthouse"// Mind the Gap //

    ~Miss Meg

  7. The children are receiving some love from their parents.
