28 June 2011

A day at the park {Guest post by Destiny}

A few days ago me, my two brothers, my mom, and a cousin went to this splash park near our home.

I've never been fond of that park, it gets old. But, this time it seemed so much fun! I guess it was because I had a baby brother and a camera at my side...

Hi there! My name is Destiny from Sharing Endless L'amour. Jess {nzkiwigirl} guest posted on my blog as well! I was shocked and SO excited when she asked ME to guest post on her blog! And here I go... sharing with you my random life of many... many photos...

My baby brother: his name is Grant and he is the number 1 thing I take pictures of. He is a 1 year old bundle of Joy!

Now, this park isn't like any small public park... it's actually pretty huge.

There is a playground AND a splash pad!

On the splash pad, water is pretty much spewing out of EVERYTHING.

And of coarse, the ice cream truck comes there everyday to satisfy, not only the young ones, but the teenagers too :))

About the author: 

*AHEM! s-u-c-c-e-s-s. Sorry about that*


  1. THANKS YOU JESS for letting guest post :) I hope you liked it!

  2. Well your not going to be a success with THOSE spelling skills.... JK
