From Haylie's profile. |
What made you decide to join Mod Style Lounge? Back towards the being of the year, I was doing a vanity fast (which is where I go two weeks without anything fashionable and no makeup, hair products etc…) and I was blogging about it and what I was learning in the Bible about true beauty and modesty. After my fast, I was posting about how you can make sure your clothes are modest before you bought them. Sarah saw my post and asked if she could use it! I, of course, said yes! Later that day, I was searching through the Mod Style Lounge blog and I asked God, “Do You think this is something I could do?” After a few days of prayer, I asked Sarah if I could join the staff and they agreed!
What are your interests? Ha! What AREN’T my interests! Well, I love fashion and beauty and anything on those lines! I enjoy writing so very much! I write just about anything. I love photography and hanging with my friends! I think I'm coming down with a shoe obsession and dress obsession (I’ve bought at least 8 new dresses this year and 6 pairs of shoes in a month). I can’t get enough laughs and phone minutes! I’m a social bug! Plus, I must admit, I’m addicted to something I shouldn’t be, and that’s coffee! Hehe!
Vanilla or Chocolate? I have to choose one?! Uh oh! Umm… If it’s a milkshake then vanilla, but if it’s regular ice cream, I’ll say chocolate!
Any handy tips you could give us on a subject like hair, make-up, or fashion? I’ll give you one for each! When wearing make up, make sure you aren’t wearing too much. You don’t want to look like a cake face! Wear as little as possible, unless you are going to something special. Use foundation to even out your skin and some concealer to cover your red spots. Then some eye shadow, mascara and lip-gloss and your good! If you want, you can wear eyeliner too (I do!) but try not to go heavy on the black. It makes you look hard.
-For hair, make sure you are protecting it! You can get dry, split ends every easily! Use heat protection and make sure you are using conditioner. Also, once a week, use a deep conditioner. If you don’t have a deep conditioner, lather your hair in conditioner, put it in a plastic bag and sit outside for 7 minutes. It acts as a deep conditioner. -For fashion, make sure you accessorize! Such a small piece, like a necklace or bracelet, can make a dull outfit FAB in a few seconds! It’s simply, cheap and sheek!
Do you know what you want to do for the future? I want to become a writer! I’m not so sure as to what I will write, but I have a few ideas. Either articles for teen girl magazines, or maybe fashion and beauty articles/books for teen girls. Either way, it’s for teen girls! Haha! So remember the name Haylie Gregory (last name may change… Hopefully!)
What is your favorite Bible verse? Oh goodness! Just one! What’s with the ‘one’ word here?! Haha! Okay, I’ll give you the verse that has been helping me a lot lately. It’s probably not my absolute fav, but it is definitely one of them.
Hebrews 11:40 “God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should now be made perfect.”
This verse is saying that God’s plan for us is better than what we have planned and that, with or without you, He will get it done. So it’s a matter of, Do you want to be apart of God’s plan, or do you want to see someone else doing what He had planned for you?
If you could say only one sentence to a young lady, what would it be/consist of? Remember, there is only one Person that can make you beautiful on the outside AND inside, it’s just the matter of if you want to accept Him or not.
What makes you cry? Heartache. When someone goes back on there word and promises and makes leaves you all alone. So, to sum it up in one word, I’d say, abandonment.
What makes you laugh really hard until you cry?! Oh goodness! When my two best friends, Amanda and Danielle, sleepover at my house! We watch scary movies and they flip out! They scream at the tiniest thing, I kid you not! It’s HILLARIOUS! My family and I are actually planning a little prank on them for when they come over next. I guess you won’t snoop so I’ll tell you! We are going to rent the new “Nightmare on Elm Street” and make them watch it. While we are watching it, and while the are paranoid, I’m going to have my little brother put on a Freddy Kruger mask I bought and my fedora and a red shirt and have him stand in our hallway, sort of in the shadows, and wait until they see him. He looks SO MUCH like him from a distance and they will freak out!!! Hehehe! Ain’t I a great best friend?!
Thanks so much Haylie for sharing with us---I really enjoyed reading your answers and asking you the questions! Nice stuff.
God bless and I hope everybody has enjoyed this interview!
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