10 October 2014


london. again. sick of it yet?  honestly, I can never get sick of london, it's one of my favouritest places ever (new zealand wins hands down for first place though, guys). the streets, the gold (the gold is so shiny what), the friendly people, the coffee shops, the markets, the excited atmosphere and just everything. so, day three of london including a lot of walking. did I mention how much walking we did? a lot. we went to say howdy-doo to big ben, westminster abbey, the houses of parliament, downing street, the palace guards. buckingham palace, st. james park, green park, the ritz, sacred coffee shop (hello new zealand coffee), hyde park and harrods. not to mention the awesome lil places like grosvenor square (I'm gonna live there someday gosh what gorgeousness), berkeley square (anyone seen that series about the nannies of berkeley square?), hamleys toy store and countless wee churches. so, yeah. we saw a few small things. by the end of the day, we were all exhausted (thanks again, coffee, for being our propellant) and sore and happy and triumphant (celebratory hot chocolate ensued, of course) and tired. oodelally what a day. 

love you all.

p.s. you can see part one of london here


  1. the things your london photos do to my heart should be illegal.
    these are absolutely perfect in every single way.

  2. dear jess and petie, please plan all of my outfits. thank you. xxRiley

  3. Oh wow!
    Super pretty!!! XD and that coffee did look good!
